Tuesday, 11 November 2014


Not sure what happened to August, September and October, but I suspect it was just altogether too hot for thinking.   Maybe I just took a summer holiday like everyone else. Finally getting some tatting supplies, may also have led to a distraction! 

Anyway, you’ll be interested to know the snow is building up on the mountains, Christmas lights have returned to Temple Square, and we are right in the middle pf pumpkin season – half way between Halloween and Thanksgiving.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Too bad about the baby!! 

There are many pumpkin porches, but of course pumpkins are not necessarily entirely benign. 

See how this evil pumpkin has tricked me into nearly being eaten by a cat… but luckily a pirate and a mermaid saved me!

Below see Kara, one of our special young Sisters, single-handedly cleaning up the autumn stuff after our branch’s October ‘Aloha Social’.

Reminds me of the August ‘Aloha Social’ where we farewelled retiring Zone Leaders, Ed and Nona Haddock, and other dear B2 friends….who you may notice had an uncanny knack of avoiding the camera!

A first task for the new Zone Leaders, Elder and Sister Boyd, was to award certificates to the many B2 course graduates, including myself for ‘Australia’.   And again to me in October for ‘Ireland’, and for finally completing the British Journeyman Course.

But August was by no means the last of the farewells.  

In September we said goodbye to our dear little Sr ‘Goldie’, and Sr Johnson, as well as Susan from New Zealand

September was also the month in which B2 made another farewell – the removal of the 40-year-old front counter!

To be replaced by the more relaxed and upbeat new décor…

Another September change was the Australia display in the curio cabinet.  We Aussies had fun putting this together, along with an Australia poster display (still awaiting finalization).   Bit of a change from ‘old teapots’ for the curio cabinet.   Trouble was, when the workmen got too enthusiastic about the front counter, the kookaburra laughed himself silly and fell out of his gum tree! 

Then October also had a sad farewell, when Sr Cathy Reeve finished her mission and left, with her daughter Tania as escort, travelling home via Holland.   We had a fun farewell with dinner at the Lion House, followed by a ghost tour from Temple Square, through Marmalade Hill, and back to my place for dessert


Of course around Haloween there is no shortage of goulish garbage deposited around – even in the canyon on the morning walk!

One of the disapointments of losing Cathy is that it will spoil our statistics.  While she, Sr Gibson and myself were here together we must surely have had the highest concentration of missionaries per capita, representing any place in the world!!

September and October were also fun because of most welcome visits from Dean and Tanya, as well as Gary and Lindy.

But of course, the passing of Doug McDougall in November, was a sad event, though I was grateful to be present at the funeral; to meet family and help celebrate his wonderful 89 years.